Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Cindy!

Today is Cindy's birthday! I sure hope she had a great day and everyone wished her well.

By the way, my Thanksgiving turkey was GREAT! I cooked him in a roasting pan that I bought at an attic sale this summer. It was the same kind of pan Harris Teeter was giving away a year or so ago. Very nice pan with the rack inside and a nice lid. I had never had a turkey so moist before. Yes, it was done! And it browned so nice too. Just picture perfect! Now the Sweet Potato Pudding that I fix wasn't so lucky. I fixed it and Leigh put the marshmellows on top and put it in the oven to brown. It wasn't very long I started smelling the marshmellows 'cooking'. Leigh looked at it..... hahahahahaha ......and all the marshmellows were black AND it had flames shooting out. hahahahahahaha Here's me, can't figure out how to turn the oven off.....I'm just staring at all the buttons......... I looked at Leigh and she's bent over blowing out the flames. hhahahahahahah Now that was funny! Where the camera when you need one. hahahhahaha
Anyway, everything was very nice. Payton loved the turkey. Guess what RyLee ate? Bologna of all things. He just doesn't like turkey. But it sure was good.

Leigh and the kids had gone to the parade before we ate. I didn't go since my legs were hurting. They made it back home before the parade was over. So they got to see some of it on TV.

Last night, Leigh went out to eat with people from her work. She asked me if I could watch the kids.........she said she'd got to McDonald's for me if I did. Well, you know they have the McRib back for a could I say no to such a deal? hahahahah So after we ate, we all got out pajamas on and watch a movie on DVD. The 12 Dogs of Christmas. Yes, I said dogs. It was a cute movie. One the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...........7 Boxer puppies. hahahaahah Very cute.

OK, I'm getting off here now. Talk to everyone again before my Germany trip.


Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Cindy! Who's Cindy? Cindy Earls? No way.

Good luck at work tomorrow, I had to leave a bunch of CH deliveries because Lynne was running the bills. It'll give you something to do.

With much love,
Benjamin Marshall

Unknown said...

Oh, I just remembered that Cindy is your daughter. Happy [belated] birthday, Cindy!