Sunday, November 4, 2007

This is the rest of the story

I read Cindy's blog and had to tell the whole story of The Pirate - The Bee - The Loot. On Wednesday, 10/31/07, I worked until 6:40. I ordered PIZZA and picked it up before going home. I called Leigh to find out if they had left the house yet. Yes, they were already at the end of the street. So, I got home and made sure the pumpkins were lit and the outside lights were on before I started eating the PIZZA! First one I've had in 6 weeks. I could hardly wait. Anyway, I had a few kids, along with their parents, stop by the house. After each time getting up, I hurried back to take another bite of PIZZA. Not long, I heard some kids at the door and then the doorbell rang. It was The Pirate and The Bee, along with Leigh. I was thinking, wow, they didn't stay out very long. OK, here's the rest of the story....... It seems that every time The Pirate and The Bee went to some one's door, The Bee thought she was supposed to stop everything and eat the candy. Yes, at EVERY door. Leigh kept telling her NO, you have to wait until you get home. Well, The Bee, you know, the one with the red hair and temper, just screamed and screamed. So Leigh just brought her back to me, Grandma. So The Pirate went back out to find more Loot, along with his mother, of course. The Bee screamed for another two minutes but stopped after I told her that she could scream if she wanted to, but she was going to be screaming in her bedroom so I wouldn't hear it. Poor Bee! She just wasn't sure what to do. I guess the sucker I gave her helped her make up her mind. Ha! Then she ate some PIZZA. And she helped give out candy to the kids that came to the door. She liked to do that. Finally, The Pirate came home with all his Loot. I was just sad that I didn't get any Loot. Ha ha ha ha ha! So now you know the rest of the story!

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