Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas......

It better look alot like Christmas, the is December 23rd! Hahahaha Why is it, we all know that Christmas is December 25th each year, but it always gets here too fast. I never get a package mailed to Germany. Not to say there weren't packages mail to Germany. I'm talking about some that I personally shipped over. I remember doing it one year, but it cost more to get it there before Christmas than the gifts were actually worth. That's terrible, isn't it? The last few years I've tried to put money onto their Amazon accounts and let them pick out whatever they wanted. That seemed to work out better. Except this year....... money is a little short for me...... so I can't get that done. I know the kids understand, but I don't. It greives me when I can't do this one little thing for my children. Don't get me wrong, I'm blessed in so many ways, but I do like to 'give' much more than 'receiving'. So, this is for Leigh and Cindy and Gerhard and Christie and Roland............... Merry Christmas to you all. I thank God for giving His only Son to us so we belong to one family. I love each of you. Let us never take Christ out of CHRISTmas. He gave His life for us! Maybe one year we will be able to spend December 25th all together. We haven't done that in a very long time.

I will be off work the 24th and the 25th this year. We will be going to Tom and Jan's house for Christmas Eve. It always goes by so fast too. We will need to get back here so the kids can get into bed......dreaming of sugarplums dancing in their heads. Hey, isn't that a song? Hahahahah Just kidding. Then Leigh will have to do everything else, while I go to bed. hahhaahaha I was going to cook breakfast on Christmas morning since she cooks all the time. We had started that years ago, with the kids cooking my breakfast on Christmas morning, before any presents were openned. Well, maybe the stocking boxes were looked into. And yes, we always have so many stocking stuffers, it all went into boxes instead of stockings. Well, back to breakfast...... Since nobody likes my eggs, I won't cook. Maybe I'll just take over Christie's job and butter the bread for toast. hahahahahah I'm just kidding Christie....... don't cry about it. Of course, this kids were alot older when we started doing that. So, getting RyLee and Payton to sit through breakfast might not happen. hahahahaha

We did start another traditon when my kids got older. We took turns opening presents. One at a time too. Someone gave out all the presents to each other. Then one of us would start with one present and open it and show everyone. Then the next person would open one and show everybody, we'd go around in the circle doing that. A couple of years, it took all day long to open presents. But it seemed to make the day last longer and we all enjoyed it. That was so much fun. Remember ya'll?

Well, I need to get some things done fix me another cup of coffee. So I'll leave you with this.............

To everyone reading this blog:

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S!

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