Monday, December 31, 2007

Almost Happy New Year!

Here it is........10:35pm on Dec. 31st.......and I'm SLEEPY! I really was going to try to stay awake til midnight, but it's getting doubtful. Let's see, what can I talk about?

Hope everyone had a nice relaxing Christmas. I did. On Christmas Eve, we went to my brother Tom's house. It's terrible to say but that's the only time we all get together. My brother Rick and wife Betty were there also. There just isn't time to really catch up in those few hours. We all had a good time though. I couldn't help but think about all the Christmas Eve's we spent together and apart. We all miss our Mother since she always worried who would call and cancel at the last minute. No one ever did, we were always there. I guess next year the 'get together' will be at my house. Should I just leave the Christmas decorations up this year? At least the house would be decorated.......maybe a little dusty.......but decorated. Just kidding about leaving them up for a whole year. I would like to put all my decorations out one year. Maybe we can start right after Halloween, that should be enough time, don't you think?

We did have a nice Christmas this year. In fact, we had to open some presents on the 26Th after getting home from work. It just took longer to get everything opened this year. The kids were getting tired but wouldn't take a nap. They finally went to bed at 7:00 without any problem. I felt like all I did was eat. I munched on this and munched on that all day really dreading the fact I needed to go to work the next day. But we made it through the week.........

On second thought.........Payton had to have tubes put in her ears on Friday morning at 6:15 a.m. Poor thing wasn't feeling good afterwards. Leigh stopped by the pharmacy to get her medicine and she was out of it. She did throw up in the parking lot before leaving for home. She had a rough night and rough Saturday, but Sunday she started feeling her old self again. Since Leigh had to be at the hospital that early, I took RyLee to daycare Friday morning. He was so excited about riding in my car too. If you know anything about my car, you would wonder why on earth he'd want to ride in my car. But he WAS excited. After work, I picked him up and we went to the shopping center. We had a nice time.

OK, It's 11:00 p.m. now. Where's the popcorn and beer? Just kidding....the Diet Coke! Well, everyone.............HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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