Monday, August 25, 2008

Made it to the beach and back

Leigh and the kids and I made it to the beach last weekend. We left in the rain on Sunday and it rained the whole way to the beach and after we got there. We figured it would be raining the whole time Monday and Tuesday, but it was just beautiful those days. Sunday night we ate at the best pizza place there at Topsail Beach. Right after you go across the bridge, it is on your left. It's called Max's Pizza. (I think). GREAT PIZZA! I loved every bite! We were getting ready for bed that night, when Leigh jumps up to get her ear plugs in. She didn't think she'd be able to sleep in the same room with me while I was snoring. hehehehehe Sometime during the night I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I get up and got something to drink and my M&M's and something to read and sat in the bathroom with the door shut so I wouldn't wake up the others. I'm so thoughtful. Anyway, we stayed on the beach Monday just about all day. We came in to go to the pool for a while, but then back to the beach. Naturally I got burnt, but everyone else was fine. Monday night after eating, Leigh wanted to drive to the end of the island on the sound side. I had already gotten ready for bed but I went anyway with my night shirt and shorts on. hehehehehehe I don't think anyone noticed or even cared since it was about 8:30 and getting a little dark. One Tuesday I figured I wouldn't get out in the sun much since I was burnt from Monday. They went down to the beach and played then came to the pool. At 10:00 I walked to the bookstore and bought some books. I love that bookstore. It's called Quartermoon Bookstore. Great little place. We clocked out at 11:00 on Tuesday and called for a pizza takeout as we were getting into the car. By the time we got to the pizza place, it was ready to go. Did I mention that it was GREAT pizza? So, here we are, in the car, we all had something to drink, now it was time to eat. hahahahahaah It was so gooooood! Maybe that's why, after leaving Topsail Island, we got onto Hwy 17 and head to Wilmington. Can someone really get lost doing that? I guess so. Leigh did. ahhahaahah Of course, she was just following my instructions. Sorry Leigh. We went about 60 miles out of the way. We had been in the car an hour and haven't even left the beach yet. Don't ask me where we were. hahahahah Leigh stopped and asked directions on how to get on #74. We finally made it home around 3:30 or 4:00 Sunday afternoon. Long trip. Lynn, if you're reading this, don't laugh. I want to apologize that I didn't stop in to see you. Maybe I can get down that way again soon. Topsail is a great beach and GREAT pizza. Hopefully, I can get some pictures on here too.

I got home from work today, and my TV is broken. I couldn't believe it. We don't know what's wrong with it. It will probably be cheaper in the long run to buy a new TV. Well, it won't happen anytime soon.

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