Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 18, 2008 - Just a little over a month

Where do I begin this one? Hope all the mothers out there had a nice Mother's Day this year. Hey, and ALL the Fathers out there.......Happy Father's Day! Now everything in between those dates. Leigh, my oldest daughter, turned 39 on May 25th. Tyler Koch, my Grandson turned 3 years old on May 27th, the day I arrived in Germany for two weeks. Then Gerhard and Roland Koch, my sons-in-law turned 37 on June 1st. THEN Teodor Samuel Koch, my brand new Grandson was born June 3rd. Last, and certainly not the least, hehehehehehhe, my birthday was June 10th, the day I traveled back to the states.

As I said above, I went to Germany for two weeks. I had a great time. Gerhard and Cindy's baby was born while I was there. We were all hoping that he'd be born while I was over there and he was! Cindy was supposed to stay in the hospital for about a week, but she came home after two days. They all did great taking care of little Teo. Gerhard and Cindy were both getting up during the night with feeding and changing diapers. I noticed neither one was getting enough sleep. I told them to take turns, which was working out, but Gerhard was just too excited to sleep. He got up too. As for me, I don't hear a thing. hahahahah In fact, my snoring probably woke the baby up. hahahahaha Gerhard took me shopping for some candy to bring back to the states. I hated Cindy and Teo couldn't come, but believe me I understood. Next time I go over for a visit, I'm sure we'll be going lots of places together. Thank you Cindy and Gerhard for letting me be a part of the excitement with Teo. And staying at your house. Ya'll have done so much work on it. It's just beautiful. The yard is so big too. Tyler loves it for sure. He can't wait to show Teo everything in it. I would have loved to cut the grass while I was there. Tyler and I cut and pulled some weeds growing around the bushes though. We had fun, and he was so proud of what he had done.

Roland was so good to me while I was there. He made sure I got to be with Tyler a lot y, he even fixed me lunch several days too. He can really cook! I really felt bad for him because one night it pored down rain, his basement flooded. That's where his office is located. Thank goodness his computer was fine and wasn't damaged. But the carpet was soaked. Then another day, it rained and another room started flooding. I don't believe anything in there was damaged either, but it was just a shame that it happened to him. He's been working hard trying to take care of Tyler and working at his job, then something like that happened. Roland, don't let it get you down. I know Gerhard and Cindy will help you anytime you need them. Roland has a blog too, so be sure and check out Tyler's new haircut.

The weather was cool there. Not like Charlotte. I dreaded coming back here since I heard it was 101 degrees here. That's HOT!

I left on June 10th, two weeks isn't enough time to visit with family. Hopefully, I'll be able to see them again before Tyler and Teo go off to college. hehehhehehe Teo is the sweetest little thing. I think he has my brother Ricky's little grin. AND I still think Tyler, Roland and Christie's son looks like my brother Tom in some of his pictures. I'll try to download some here one day so you can see.

Hey Cindy, we watched the movie, Enchanted, the other night. It was pretty funny. It stared Patrick Dempsey. Just thought you'd like to know. heheheeheh

Did I actually write something on the blog? Wow! Surprise surprise surprise. I better take the time to reread it ...........maybe.........if not, forgive me if there are mistakes in it. Everyone have a Great weekend.